What's wrong with housing in America? by H. Pike Oliver

Scott Cox is an architect with broad experience in banking, development and project management. He is a principal at Denver-based SLC Advisors, a home building, land development and investor consultancy that manages company level investments, housing and community development projects and repositioning/work-outs. Mr. Cox wrote four brief and insightful articles for Builder Online addressing the question of “What’s wrong with housing in America?”
Part 1 - Dissecting the housing market–and proffering solutions
Part 2 - Why housing is so expensive
Part 3 - Why it is so hard to get enough projects approved to hold down the cost of land
Part 4 - The conventional solutions don’t, and won’t, work

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POTUS 45 issues pardons in case that inspired armed occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Preserve by H. Pike Oliver

POTUS 45 has pardoned Dwight and Seven Hammond who were convicted in 2012 of setting firs on public lands. A successful prosecutorial appeal that resulted in a longer prison sentence for the Hammond brothers. That decision sparked the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve from January 2 to February 11, 2016. Articles concerning the pardon appeared in the American Bar Association Journal and High Country News.